Roger Nelson Victim

Last Updated on 10 months by Roger Nelson

Roger Nelson has had an active interest in Amateur Astronomy since he was young.   In the 1980’s he became involved in the Regina Astronomical Society and lead the effort to re-establish it as the Regina Centre of the RASC.  In the 1990’s and until 2019 Roger was a dedicated member of the Calgary Centre, serving in lead roles on the Centre Council, as the Secretary, A National council representative, Observing Group Chair, for the next 30 years. In 2018 Roger became a member of the National Board of Directors and the National Secretary.  What happened at the end of  2019 and since is well documented on this website.

In the June of 2019 Roger Nelson was awarded the RASC Service Award. Below is the Citation as presented on the RASC website for all to see. At the end of the citation is Roland Dechesne’s name. The same Roland Dechesne who would, less than one month later, along with his fellow rascrenegades, start the vicious, malicious and vindictive campaign against Grace Nelson, and then Roger Nelson.


Roger’s service to the RASC spans many roles, two RASC Centres, as well as the National Council and Board. His breadth of contributions is so large that it is almost insulting to try to fit it all on one page.

Roger joined Regina Astronomical Society in 1986 and shortly thereafter he was President, reinvigorating and thus saving the Regina Astronomical Society from collapse. He was a driving force in the push to reestablish ties with the RASC, which occurred in 1989. He led the efforts to move the club’s meeting space and a new observatory to the Saskatchewan Science Centre. Roger was instrumental in creating what was to become the Saskatchewan Summer Star Party when he invited the Saskatoon, Calgary, and Edmonton Centres to the Cypress Hills Star Party. This kick-started the enduring partnership between the Regina and Saskatoon Centres who continue to run the SSSP to this day.

After Roger’s move to the Calgary Centre, he quickly became active in the Calgary Centre’s programs and council. He was the Observing Committee Chair for many years, but also contributed as Councilor and the time-consuming role of Centre Secretary.

On the national front, Roger was a Centre Representative on National Council and played the role of co-chair of that body. He is currently on the RASC Board, where he fills the position of Secretary, and is also the Chair of the Information Technology Committee.

Roger’s prowess in information technology was never so welcomed as when he scratch-built the 2018 RASC General Assembly website under an impossibly tight deadline when it became clear the legacy web program that all assumed was going to work, simply did not. Without Roger’s efforts, the General Assembly would not have been possible to host properly.

Roger is also an active observer, with a meticulous log book. He encourages members and the public alike to go observe the heavens, whether for simple enjoyment, observing certificate programs or, perhaps, to attempt some science.

Roger is also comfortable on television, and in both Regina and Calgary he used that medium to promote astronomy to the public in special community broadcasts or on news programs of major television network affiliates.

Roland Dechesne, President, Calgary Centre
Pierre Schierle, President, Regina Centre
Ross Parker, Historian, Regina Centre

A more complete profile as well as current and past astronomical projects can be reviewed by visiting this site