Heather Laird Liar

Last Updated on 1 year by Roger Nelson

DEFINITION – LIAR: A person who tells lies.

HOW MANY LIES ARE TOO MANY: The following are just some of the questions placed to Heather Laird regarding the written statements she provided to Chris Gainor and others in their campaign against Roger and Grace Nelson. Laird was asked to provide further and better particulars to corroborate the statements she had made as being truthful.

Laird has steadfastly refused to respond. Chris Gainor is no longer relying on those statements, that he Gainor forwarded to the Nelsons as evidence of wrongdoings, and has taken no action against Laird.

Q. Where does it state that Grace Nelson is not allowed to choose who she wants to represent her, in a complaint brought forward by you to the Calgary Center.
Q. How is asking for materials that should have been produced to Grace Nelson, harassment.
Q. How is requesting the Board to abide by the G23 process, harassment.
Q. How is asking for full disclosure, harassment.
Q. When did Roger Nelson enlist John Kelly.
Q. What stolen ideas are you referring to.
Q. What proper credit and to whom, are you referring to.
Q. How is Roger Nelson not skilful or experienced enough.
Q. How does Roger Nelson feel entitled.
Q. How has Robyn Foret prompted/pushed Roger Nelson.
Q. Where does it state that either Roger or Grace Nelson has to inform any Board, if and when they engage in a process of hiring legal representation.
Q. When has John Kelly represented Roger Nelson in the complaint you admit to submitting to the Calgary Center against his wife Grace Nelson.
Q. What harassment did Roger Nelson just let happen.
Q. Where is John Kelly known for harassment.
Q. Where is John Kelly known for being a con man.
Q. Please provide the proof you speak of, that John Kelly was charged and convicted with defamation and harassment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Q. Please provide the proof you speak of, that John Kelly has harassed members of the Calgary Soccer Association in the same manner.
Q. Please provide the proof that John Kelly is not allowed to act and represent himself as a Para-Legal in Canada and elsewhere.
Q. Where does it state that Roger Nelson has to disclose any involvement of John Kelly in defending his wife Grace Nelson in the complaint you admit to submitting to the Calgary Center.
Q. What decisions or acts are you speaking of.
Q. How has Roger Nelson acted in the best interest of himself and his wife.
Q. How is retaining a person with a criminal past putting the Societys reputation at risk.
Q. How has Roger Nelson absolutely put his own personal interests ahead of the Society.
Q. What absolutely personal interests are you referring to.
Q. When and how did Roger Nelson provide Board contact information to John Kelly.
Q. How has Roger Nelson misused information he had access to.
Q. What information has Roger Nelson misused.
Q. How has Roger Nelson broken confidentiality.
Q. What is the confidential information, you state, that the Board deems ought to be kept confidential.
Q. How does the hiring of John Kelly lead to your assertion.
Q. How is it, obviously, not being followed.
Q. How is it very obvious.
Q. How is Roger Nelson making an absolute joke of himself.
Q. How is Rger Nelson making an absolute joke of his wife.
Q. How is Roger Nelson making an absolute joke of the Society.
Q. How is Roger Nelson, to be forced to step down.
Q. How do you believe, that you can submit a written statement in a RASC process, then recuse yourself from answering to the contents of your submitted statement.

Q. Ms. Laird, if it is found at the end of this process, that a person has submitted a statement to Mr. Gainor, and it is found that much of the contents of that statement, are false, and that they have done so, in furtherance of having Roger and Grace Nelson removed from the RASC, do you believe that whichever person has done that, should themselves be removed from the RASC.