Foret More Lies

Last Updated on 1 year by Roger Nelson

Originally Published in 2019

RENEGADE Robyn Foret the once illegal Treasurer of the Calgary Center RASC and now 2nd VP, and also the 1st VP of the National Body RASC.

WHAT IS A LIE: The many many lies told by these rascrenegades are now unraveling, because ultimately, a lie will not fit a fact, it will only fit another lie made for that purpose, the life of a lie is just a question of time. And their time is all but up.

Roland Dechesne the current President of the Calgary Center RASC. and Heather Laird and Nicole Mortillaro, were the first ones to drive a double decker bus right through the RASC policy manuals, by-laws, rules and regulations. After being found out, Dechesne handed control of the bus to Robyn Foret.

On the 28th December 2019, Glenn Hawley a 35 year member of the RASC, initiated an e-mail dialogue that resulted in rascrenegades Robyn Foret and Heather Laird responding very vociferously. Those lengthy responses by Foret and the responses by Laird, along with other evidence, is going to end up costing the RASC and it’s renegades (amongst other damages) a six (6) figure dollar amount, that they and the RASC, will have to pay out to the injured parties.

Out of Robyn Forets lengthy e-mail tirades, one thing is clear. There are two words that Foret should look up in the dictionary. The first one is misrepresentation and the second is facts. Throughout his many statements he plays very fast and loose with the truth and continues with his lies upon lies upon lies strategy.

Foret also continues to make very serious defamatory statements without regard for the truth or the damages they  cause and continue to cause to others and the RASC. Forets continued corrupt and crooked actions, only further increase the damages that have been and continue to be incurred, by the injured parties.

On the 12th December 2019, at a Board meeting of the Calgary Center RASC, Foret along with fellow rascrenegades, knowingly & with malice and forethought, instituted a new & separate (G24) complaint against Grace Nelson, illegally removing her from the Board of the Calgary Center RASC. Even though the Laird matters (G23) had not yet been resolved. (more to follow)

On the 15th December 2019, at a Board meeting of the National Board RASC, rascrenegades knowingly and with malice and forethought, illegally removed Roger Nelson from his position of National Secretary and Chairman of the IT Committe. The main initiators and Instigators  of the events leading up to that, were Heather Laird, Robyn Foret, Charles Ennis, Chris Gainor and Michael Watson.

PROOF: The veracity of what is going to be published will be irrefutable. As it is going to be found in their own words, materials, documents, e-mails, reports, actions, correspondences and tape recordings. All of that will damn them, and much more, and will outline to the courts, a clear and concise pattern of deceit,  corrupt, crooked and criminal acts.

All rascrenegades of the RASC were asked the following question.

Q.  if it’s found at the end of this process, that a person has submitted a statement to Mr. Gainor, and it’s found that much of the contents of that statement are false. And that they’ve done so (and other corrrupt acts) in furtherance of having Roger and Grace Nelson removed from the RASC, do you believe that, which ever person has done that, should themselves be removed from the RASC.

They all refuse to answer, as to do so condemns them & their fellow rascrenegades.