Last Updated on 1 year by Roger Nelson

The following are the updates from 2023 that formerly were on the Home Page:

Summer of 2023 – ” All roads lead to Rome ” or in the case of the corrupt and crooked RASC-Renegades all roads now lead to Michael Watson and Robyn Foret. At all times, Watson, was, and still is, the in house lawyer for the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC). Watson, had the ability to stop the Vicious Vindictive Malicious Premeditated Sustained attacks on Roger and Grace Nelson and others, dead in their tracks. Instead, Michael Watson chose to join the RASC-Renegades, the alternative would have been, Watson having to initiate and oversee, the expulsion from the RASC, of Heather Laird, Nicole Mortillaro, Robyn Foret, Roland Dechesne and Charles Ennis. As Richard Nixon once said, it wasn’t the burglary that caused his downfall, it was the cover-up.

At present the RASC is in very serious financial problems and social and governance issues. The Board under the guidance of Watson has initiated and actively encouraged bullying and harassment of members. That, coupled with the Board totally ignoring the By-Laws of the Society and sound practices, and continuing to cover up many crooked and corrupt acts, has led the RASC into very Dire Straits.

May 29th, 2023 – We have been informed that the RASC has now published information on it’s AGM for Sunday June 25th, 2023.  There is also a list of Candidate’s for the Board and other information, but this is available to Members Only.  We have no comment yet, as we are working on our Timeline for this site, and that is our focus at this time.

March & April 2023 – We have been informed of the Termination of SkyNews Magazine and the Termination of the contract with Lisa DeVito.  While we are not prepared to share much with regard to how that might change what is discussed on this site;  I, Roger Nelson would point out that this development, though important to the RASC, only underscores the that the leadership by these Renegades is only serving to destroy the Society.  It’s time that the membership should demand a wholesale change of the Board. It seems that there is more than one $640,000 Dollar Questions to be answered! ….. Roger Nelson

FEBRUARY 2023 – Serious Update, we have been reliably informed that RASC National Board members, including but not limited to Charles Ennis, Michael Watson, Catherine Carr, Eric Briggs, as well as others, are still keeping their fellow Executive Board member Brendon Roy, in the dark and out of the loop on all serious RASC Board matters. Doing so rather than taking action against Roy for revealing Board matters to Glenn Hawley.

RASC $640,000 DOLLAR QUESTION: Why hasn’t Charles Ennis and the National Board RASC started enforcement-expulsion proceedings against Brendon Roy.

17th JANUARY 2023: A STEP TOO FAR EVEN FOR THE RASCRENEGADES: A very reputable lawyer in Calgary completed a search of the Courts in Calgary for any restraining orders filed against Glenn Hawley. The result was nothing, null, nil, zilch.

The incident reports (in our possession) that were released by the officials of the Calgary Central Public Library regarding the events of 20th October 2022 clearly show that Robyn Foret,  Heather Laird, Roland Dechesne, and Simon Poole, knowingly filed false statements to the Calgary Police, as well as senior Calgary Public Library officials and others.

Doing so in their continuing outrageous, vicious, malicious, vindictive, crooked and criminal acts they continue to perpetrate against innocent individuals not least of which are Roger and Grace Nelson. This is not good at all, not for Foret, Dechesne, Poole and Laird, the RASC and the other named Rascrenegades … More to follow.

Robyn Foret is not a nice man.
He does nasty things whenever he can.
Lying is just, second nature to him.
He’s so good at it, he can lie on a whim.
He’s not gonna, be easy to stop.
Cos one friends a Lawyer, another’s an Ex Cop.
There’s a reason, why he’s not afraid.
There’s others helping him, ply his trade.
They’re called the RASCRenegades. more to come..



Next 2022